If you read my blog often you have heard me refer to "the girls". If you are new to the blog "the girls" are 5 girls: Abigail, Kristy, Natalie, Sarah and me. We started our friendship while attending UTM and joining the same sorority. After graduation we all moved to different places: Abigail to Atlanta then to Africa and now back to ATL, Kristy to Franklin, Natalie to Knoxville and Sarah to Memphis. Even though we aren't in close proximity and only see each other a handful of times each year we have been able to keep our strong bond with one another. The thing that I love about our friendship is that on paper we are all different. In fact if there was a website like match.com that paired up friends I don't know that they would've put our group together but to me that is what makes it so special. We are each strong opinionated individuals and sometimes we can get on each other's nerves but underneath it all there is this strong bond that no matter what especially when one of us needs something we are there no questions asked. We have seen each other through some of life's best and worst moments: marriages, birth of children, loss of parents, etc. They have helped to fill a void in my life and that's why I often don't refer to them as "like family" but "my family". I don't think I will ever be able to tell them how much their friendship has mean to me in my life. This week half of "the girls" came to visit and meet Mr. Man this week. I can't wait for Abigail and Natalie to meet Brody this fall. Here are some pictures from Sarah and Kristy's visit:

Sarah and Brody (Sarah is preggar with a little Moskette)
Kristy is definitely a natural. She has lots of baby experience.
Cuddling the new addition to our group
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